December 2020 26
Micro:bit Serial Communications
Posted By : Dave Hartburn

By using the serial connections on a Micro:bit, it is possible to interact with it by sending messages in text, rather than just reading the input from a sensor. You can even use serial connections

December 2020 26
Micro:bit OLED (SSD1306) Screen
Posted By : Dave Hartburn

Small OLED screens for microcontrollers are a cheap and easy way to display more detailed output for your Micro:bit than the scrolling LED matrix allows. Often sold as 0.96″ screens, these are just under 25mm

August 2020 04
Project: A Micro:bit calculator
Posted By : Dave Hartburn

Using a 4×4 keypad and a 16×2 LCD screen, can you construct a simple calculator? Step 1: Connect up the hardware. Review the notes on keypads and LCD screens, make sure you understand how they

August 2020 03
Micro:bit Keypads
Posted By : Dave Hartburn

Keypads make a convenient way to add lots of buttons to a Micro:bit and they come in a range of sizes. The type above are known as membrane keypads. They have a sticky back, are

July 2020 28
Micro:bit LCD Display Screen
Posted By : Dave Hartburn

A LCD screen is a great way to give more feedback to a user, either for a text message or values back from a sensor. Known as a 1602 LCD, this common display gives two

May 2020 25
Project: Rotary Encoder & Servo
Posted By : Dave Hartburn

Can we control a servo with a rotary encoder? Can we make it turn in the same direction as we turn the rotary encoder? What could we attach to the servo arm? Perhaps use this

May 2020 25
Micro:bit Rotary Encoder
Posted By : Dave Hartburn

A rotary encoder, such as the common KY-040 above, is a knob that you can turn continuously either clockwise or anti-clockwise and detect which direction it is being turned. Types such as the KY-040 are

May 2020 17
Micro:bit Buttons
Posted By : Dave Hartburn

About Buttons Microcontrollers such as the Micro:bit all do one similar thing, accept an input (some sort of ‘message’ from the outside world), process (run some code) and output (show something to the outside world).

May 2020 15
Micro:bit SG09 Servo
Posted By : Dave Hartburn

Servos are small motors with gearing that can add a high amount of torque (turning strength), and reliably turn to a precise angle. Servos such as the SG09 are small, cheap, run on low power